I recently had a couple of problems with Internet Explorer 9. Some of them were caused by IE rendering the page in “Quirks Mode”. You can find out if IE renders your page in Quirks Mode in the developer tools (which can be opened by pressing F12). Adding a correct document type causes IE to render the content in standards mode. The correct document type for HTML5 is:


Another problem was caused when I tried to find out if a given DOM node is an XML element. For some reason, the following code did not work in IE9:

isElement = function(o) {
	return o instanceof Element;

I changed the function to the following, which works for me (because the result document only contains text nodes and xml nodes):

isElement = function(o) {
	return !(o instanceof Text) && !(o.nodeName=="#text");

I still hate IE. It still causes trouble when doing web development (The pages worked out of the box in all other browsers).