Welcome to ShortNotes

ShortNotes is a simple hierarchical notes / outline tool for android. It allows you to create a hierarchy for notes, which is useful when taking notes in meetings or adding details to notes. ShortNotes is the android version of the iPhone app ShortNotes created by Oliver Szymanski.

What's New in 1.0?

PRO Version

  • View notes as HTML
  • Export notes to SD card as HTML

Free Version

  • Create notes
  • Create Sub-Notes
  • Enable / Disable Notifications (Preferences)


Web: ShortNotes Homepage
Mail: shortnotes@davidtanzer.net


From the main screen, you can create notes by simply entering some text and pressing the “New” Button. When you click on a note, the note is opened. When you long-click on a note a context menu opens. In the menu of the main screen you can find the Preferences and this help section.

When you have opened a note, you can create sub-notes by entering some text and pressing the “New” Button. When you click on the title of the note, you can edit it. When you click on a child note the child is opened. When you long-click on a child note a context menu opens. In the menu, you can delete the current note, and PRO users can view and export the current note as HTML.