David Tanzer

Coach | Consultant | Trainer

Announcing wicket-web-action


wicket-web-action is a little library that makes it easier to decouple wicket pages from the rest of your application. It allows you to bind return values and actions of components instead of hard-coding them in your page class.

Consider the following wicket page:


The Future is Agile


Here is my lightning talk from Herbstcampus 2012, translated to English and with full screen slides and better audio quality. You also may be interested in my newsletter: Subscribe here.


New newsletter, 7 things to try in your next sprint


Good news: I now have also added a newsletter ;) If you are interested in the stuff I write you should definitely subscribe to this newsletter! The content of the newsletter will be similar to my blog: I will give advice for agile teams and write about technologies and software development.

The first mail your’ll receive will be “7 things to try in your next sprint”:


Specification by Example tool: The workflow


Earlier this week, I wrote about some ideas I have for a Specification by Example tool. I have also been working on a prototype for said tool for the last few days. Today I want to show you how said tool should work. Some implementation details shown here will probably change in later prototypes, but the workflow will stay roughly the same.

The tool should be a wiki, just like FitNesse. So, when you create a new page, you have to enter the title of the page and the page content:


Specification By Example: Some Ideas


I have started using “Specification by example” - using FitNess to create the executable specifications - in a project some time ago. While I really like a lot of the ideas behind FitNesse, I think a tool could do better than that. And so I started implementing a proof-of-concept of a new tool that addresses some of the problems I had with FitNesse. In this blog post, I want to explain my ideas for the new tool. The tool itself is - at the moment - only a concept and some lines of code. I will make it open source once (or if?) there is some working functionality.


Deliberate Practice is Overrated


In the past few years, an idea has grown in popularity among software developers: That “Deliberate Practice”, that is practice only for the sake of practice, is the best way to improve your programming abilities. Code retreats, for example, formalize this very strictly: Every 45 minutes, you delete all the code. While code retreats are fun and you can indeed learn a lot there, I still think that this idea of “Deliberate Practice in Software Development” is overrated.


Leiningen repl java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory


In some cases, “lein repl” will fail with “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory”. I have solved this problem, at least for my project. Read here why.

As I wrote before, I am currently learning clojure, and so I implement a simple web applicatoin. I build and run this application using Leiningen. There I encountered a problem: When I run


OpenID in a clojure web application using openid4java


In the last couple of weeks I have been trying to learn clojure. I startet to implement a simple web application so I have a playground where I can try things (It doesn’t really do anything at the moment, but I’ll write about it in a later post). I use the noir web framework to write this web application. In this web app I wanted to use OpenID, so I can log in with my google account.

I came across clj-openid by Steve Lindsay, but it still looks a kinda incomplete. I also found friend by Chas Emerick, but it seems to do everything which is too much for me. I decided to try openid4java, which I know from writing gclimbing.com. I know friend uses openid4java too, but I wanted to use it directly - at least for now.


JSXP Tutorial videos


I have just finished some tutorial videos for the jsxp Web Framework.


Wicket Screencast 03: Repeating Views


Wicket Screencast 03 - Repeating Views

This screencast is part of a series about apache wicket. You can find the whole series and additional information on the Wicket Newsletter Screencast page. In this episode you’ll learn the basics about repeating views in Wicket:

  • RepeatingView: The simplest repeater component
  • ListView: For displaying Lists of Data
  • DataView: For displaying all kinds of data
  • Pagination