David Tanzer

Coach | Consultant | Trainer

3...2...1... Launch


This blog posting is part of the Freelancer to entrepreneur series.

Yesterday we activated the first users at zensmb.com. And then… not much happened. But I think that was to be expected. But let’s go back to the start.


Wicket Screencast 02 - Forms


This screencast is part of a series about apache wicket. You can find the whole series and additional information on the Wicket Newsletter Screencast page. In this episode you’ll learn the basics about user input in Wicket:

  • Forms
  • Form Components: TextField, Button
  • Processing the submitted input
  • Validation of user input

ScrumBut... and the long run


Last week, I wrote about ScrumBut. I wrote that you don’t need to fully implement Scrum before you can start to do good work. That you can start with improving little things. On the other hand, Mike Vizdos wrote Modifying Scrum – You THINK you know better…. There he writes that “Modifying Scrum is a bad idea.”. So, who is right? Or, could we both be right? I think we can…

You have probably heard this - Maybe from Management: “We do scrum here. But (all tasks need to be tracked with $EXPENSIVE_TOOL the daily scrum has to be at 9am sharp no, your team can not have a company credit card we will schedule “high priority” work at any time, not during sprint planning you have to work in 12 week sprints your are not allowed to discuss $TOPIC during retrospectives we need the TPS reports ready on friday). This will not work in the long run.

Wicket Screencast 01 - The basics


Wicket Screencast - The basics

This screencast is part of a series about apache wicket. You can find the whole series and additional information on the Wicket Newsletter Screencast page. In this episode I cover the basics of apache wicket:

  • How the project is set up
  • The application class
  • Wicket pages, separation of design and code
  • Simple components and models

Wicket Screen Cast


01 - The basics

In this episode I cover the basics of apache wicket:

  • How the project is set up
  • The application class
  • Wicket pages, separation of design and code
  • Simple components and models

Scrum... But?


“We are supposed to do scrum, but we don’t have (a full time ScrumMaster a material task board an electronic task board management support short sprints long enough sprints magic dust …) so we are really only doing ScrumBut. It sucks. Everything would be better if we could only do real Scrum”.

Did you ever hear something like that? I have heard it a couple of times, and complaints like this seem to increase. At first I thought the idea of “ScrumBut” was funny and useful, but I have begun to dislike it.


Offline Web Applications - Part 4: Going Offline


This mini series about “Offline Web Applications” shows you how to build a web application that your users can use while they are offline. I will give a session about this topic at Herbstcampus 2012.


The future is agile


The future is agile. Companies and software developers can gain many advantages by adopting an agile approach. Here I want to describe two of them: Speed and talent. You can go faster using an agile approach. And you can attract more and better developers.

This post is based on my Herbstcampus 2012 keynote. Here is the video of the (german) lightning talk:


Offline Web Applications - Part 3: Application Logic


This mini series about “Offline Web Applications” shows you how to build a web application that your users can use while they are offline. I will give a session about this topic at Herbstcampus 2012.


Offline Web Applications - Part 2: Application Cache


This mini series about “Offline Web Applications” shows you how to build a web application that your users can use while they are offline. I will give a session about this topic at Herbstcampus 2012.